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KCI Events

Professional Training and Webinars
KCI Events

Contact us at request@knowledgebiz.com if you would like KCI to provide any of these events privately to your company or to receive schedules of these events in the future.

The Path to Digital Transformation

  September 17, 2020 08:00 - 16:30

Dubai, UAE

Discovering the Transformation Opportunity
Do you need to reinvent your organization? There are a variety of strategies that you can employ from complete reinvention of the organization to a staged evolution moving towards a set goal. Better connection to customers and suppliers along with improved efficiency are key goals of digitization. Understanding digital disruption can lead to a clear transformation path for your organization.

Reinvention involves rethinking the organization. Transformation depends on the level of automaton currently in place and the goal you define for transformation. For example, if you are a fully manual organization and set a goal to become a fully digitized organization then you may have a large gap to overcome.



All Dates

  • From September 13, 2020 08:00 to September 17, 2020 16:30
    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

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In House Workshops

Knowledge Consultants, Inc. also offers a suite of In House Workshops courses focusing on business analytics, AI, Machine Learning and related enabling skills. Here is a partial list of workshops we offer.

The Past Events page will give you an idea of some of the topics KCI can customize for your company

For pricing and quotes contact KCI at request@knowledgebiz.com