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More in this category: « Strategic Alignment
Digital Transformation

Preparing for tomorrow… today

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Digital Transformation
The hot button today is digital transformation.

That’s great if you know where the best points are to apply digital change and how that change impacts other parts of the organization and which change gives you the possibility of high yield.

Creating a digital twin (an electronic model of the organization) is a core starting point in digital transformation.

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Business Alignment Method

Trace external changes all the way to impacts on your operations

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Business Alignment Analysis
Business alignment is a critical support method for strategic and operational planning. Assessing such issues as impact, importance, risk and other factors using the linkage of organizational perspective is key to effectively using techniques like business and enterprise architecture.

Special analytical tools (such as Wizsm) make the integrated view of the significant factors to your organization a reality.

Consistent analytics and methods make it practical to link the perspectives together so that an incremental analysis approach is viable.

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Consumer Behavior

Know your customers

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Consumer Behavior
Deciding what products or services are amenable to cross selling or upselling requires simple knowledge of the behavior of consumers and customers.

Identifying their preferences provides input for targeted marketing which leads to potential sales increases.

Several Wizsm analytics provide the insight into what your customer is buying.

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Operational Consolidation

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

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Operational Consolidation
Consolidating operations can be narrow in scope involving simple processes or very broad, covering multiple operating units or even whole organizations.

Consolidation is made more reliable when you can clearly identify the points of overlap. With Wizsm Analytics, you can compare different perspectives of consolidation opportunities and select the one that best fits your need.

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Strategic Alignment

Visualize, Explore, Evaluate and Link external factors to Strategies that may help, hinder or improve planning decisions that drive the operations of your organization

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Strategic Alignment Value Points
1. Impact analysis is a key technique for understanding and sensing what factors outside your organization increase the opportunity for success and growth.
2. Organization direction is linked to external factors improving planning decisions.
3. Hidden business needs are exposed and explored with an integrated view of the significant factors to your organization that impact your strategies.
4. Management analytic software (e.g. WIZSM by IYCON) increases the productivity of the analysis resulting in more rapid decision making Unique analytics enable rapid and effective strategic decision making

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Business innovation and digital transformation are driven by a constant flow of ideas

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A key requisite of surviving business organizations is adaptability. The means change. Those changes can be large or small affecting any aspect of the organization’s products or services.

Without a means to capture, understand, consolidate, test, and implement ideas, an organization faulters. Business innovation and digital transformation are driven by a constant flow of ideas that are assessed for risk and impact on the organization.

Wizsm’s analytic flows allows management to understand and evaluate the impact on the business’s ability to innovate.

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Whether you’re merging organizations or processes, know where you need to pay attention

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Mergers and Acquisitions
Using a technique that would ‘best fit’ one or more merger or acquisition (M&A) candidates greatly increases the chances of M&A success.

Since most M&A analysis is based on financial, market, product and legal similarities and differences the comparisons of operations are usually glossed over as too expensive to do.

Wizsm semantic comparative analytics increase the likelihood of M&A success.

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SWOT Analysis

Understand the full impact of your SWOT Analysis

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SWOT Analysis
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a well-used and reliable way of evaluating the capabilities of an organization to respond to an external situation.

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Risk Assessment is a valuable tool that lets you proactively prepare for opportunities and threats

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Risk assessment is one of the hot issues today. Basic assessment covers likelihood and impact of a threat to the organization.

Including factors such as remediation cost, loss, difficulty, importance and other factors focuses the risk analysis on those threats of most importance.

Using Wizsm’s hidden relationship analysis the organization improves the insight into the more fragile parts of the organization that need protection and monitoring.

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