SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Most management decisions are predicated upon knowing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with a problem or situation in which an objective is known. SWOT Analysis is traditionally used in strategic planning activities. Strengths and weaknesses are used to reflect internal factors within the organization while opportunities and threats are external to the organization. But SWOT analysis can be applied in many other decision-making situations.

Wizsm analytic flows provide a quick means to capture relevant SWOT perspectives across participants to assess the risks or rewards. It helps to focus on the actions that need to take place to achieve desired outcome. With Wizsm’s semantic analytics, you can identify possible relationships associated with the descriptions of each item. The evaluation of the hidden relationships from the semantics opens possibilities not considered before. Various matrices associated with these relationships also provide insights that point to the actions that are desired.