Intelligent Automation
Knowledge Consultants president Frank Kowalkowski has a chapter in the recently released book titled ‘Intelligent Automation’. The chapter is titled ‘Intelligent Automation and Intelligent Analytics’ and focuses on how to include analytics with the automation effort. The book contains 7 chapters on automation and a number of case studies to see how organizations implemented intelligent automation. Here is a brief excerpt from the start of the chapter…
The level of activity around the topic of intelligent automation (IA) indicates a high level of interest by management in improving the performance of their organizations. Like all waves of ideas and technologies, this one has a history as well as a mix of value and hype. Intelligent automation and intelligent analytics are in the middle of a wave and are a maturing discipline.To order the book or see the contents go to Amazon
There is plenty of material in this book about IA so the focus of this chapter is on the analytics and how you position them to take advantage of the smarts in the automation. Automation, especially automation of operational processes has become ubiquitous in most organizations. Intelligent automation involves applying analytics, and especially ‘smart’ analytics, to processes, mostly operational processes. The goal is more efficient and effective control of the process.
There are, at least, four aspects to intelligent automation in an organization…
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