Business and Dynamic Change
The Arrival of Business ArchitectureToday with impending 4th Industrial Revolution emerging and the rapid increase in technology advances related to IoT, AI, Nano Technology, Biotech, Big Data Analytics and several others there is a need to have a systematic approach to dealing with the structure of organizations. Analysts especially business analysts, must deal with transforming how the organization supports customer interactions. What do these changes mean for business performance, adaptation and continuity?
Managers must deal with situations like estimates of 30 billion or more connected devices, that imply far too many devices, interactions, customer groupings, changes in consumer interest and government regulations for slow reaction time. What is the impact of these changes on the organization? Does remote work help or hinder performance? The way to make sense of the flow of work and rapidly adapt to the changes is to apply some form of business architecture techniques to each situation as it arises and review alternative business structures. That accomplished, the new structure is input to the enterprise architecture to define systems needs for execution.
Launched jointly by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), Knowledge Consultants, Inc. and published by Future Strategies, Inc., “Business and Dynamic Change” addresses a current perspective on dealing with these changes. It is looking at what the impact of the different architectural approaches is having on business execution not in some distant scenario but today!
The book presents a series of articles by known experts regarding critical issues currently facing adopters and practitioners of business change.
This book is available on Amazon. Amazon