IT Management (1)
Needs Business Skills for Managing the Digital Enterprise
Information Technology (IT) is a key part of running today's organization. Managing IT effectively and efficiently requires business skills and technology understanding that serves the organization today and into the future. This certification focuses on the skills necessary to ensure a delicate balance is achieved between both of skills. Today's Information Technology (IT) and Management Information Systems (MIS) environments have to address the management of the entire organization's environment as a collection of interacting automated/manual information systems. These systems are so critical to the "digital" organization that KCI has a series of courses designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key elements needed to manage IT or MIS.
Some of these offerings can be packaged into a designed certification program for your organization.
IT Management Certification:
These courses are designed for the individual whose career path is focused on Information Technology management. Courses cover both the internal IT perspective and the external IT perspective focusing on the alignment with the business needs and direction.
- Strategic IT manager (focuses on the business link and IT) *
- Effective IT management (focuses on the functions and services of IT) *
- Strategic IT Planning *
- Effective data management (documents, signals, data field analysis)
- Enterprise Architecture and Business Modeling
- Cyber forensics and security
- Metadata management
- Technology Forecasting for business and IT
- IT Performance Management
- Management Information Systems
- Change Management for Information Technology