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Business and IT Architecture

Business and IT Architecture (14)

Organizations are faced with high-demand response to changing business conditions. The business and IT Architecture certification provides and insight into the different dimensions associated with architectural thinking. Enterprise Architecture, as used in the industry today, is focused on information technology delivery and services. But, does not address a number of critical organizations considerations not part of the information technology environment. This certification is designed to assist someone to be versed in the differences associated with sets of business architectures that have a significant influence on the organization.

Thursday, 16 March 2023 21:45

Business Analytics for Managers and Analysts

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Business Analytics Solutions

Monday, 17 October 2022 08:59 Written by

Strategic Alignment Overview

Click to Enlarge - Connecting the Landscape PerspectiveConnecting the Landscape Perspective to the Strategic Perspective
  • Strategic Alignment is a subset of business alignment
  • Strategic Alignment relates the landscape to the strategic perspective of the organization
  • Landscape analysis is based on the PESTLE approach extended to PESTLE-MB
  • Strategic analysis is based on the strategic categories of the organization

Unique Strategic Alignment Analytics

Following ‘Path to Point’ analysis of properties of the core processes of an organization showing the links of Importance and Impact of a process.

  • Landscape analysis is based on the PESTLE approach extended to PESTLE-MB
  • Common Categories of PESTLE: Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legislative (e.g. regulatory), Environment
  • Plus: Markets and Business Concerns
  • Strategic Analysis is based on the Strategic categories of the Organization such as: Strategies, Initiatives, Risk, Capabilities, And so on...

Special analytics are needed to make this happen

Using composite ranking techniques to identify high
value options.

Filtering initiatives based on properties to select those of high impact and importance filtering out the rest.

Using path to point analytics for hidden relationships

Monday, 25 November 2019 09:55 Written by

Neural Net Analytics for Managers and Analysts

Neural nets and related AI analytics of machine learning are an important emerging tool today. There are tools available today that provide for developing a neural net solution from the extract, transform and load stage through the model building stage and finally ending with the running and solution presentation stage. Many of the tool suites require data scientist professionals to develop the application. However, several tools have emerged that simplify the use of neural nets so a manger can more easily take advantage of their value without the intervention of a specialist.

Neural nets provide an alternative view of factors (called features in NN parlance) that influence some single objective value or grouping of values. With a neural net you get predictive results based on past factors.

The KCI preferred tool for easy neural net analysis, analytics and management support is the Predictor and Classifier tools available as part of the AI Trilogy suite from Ward Systems Group. These are developed, tested and simple neural nets that can be used for many of the analytical needs in an organization.

AI Trilogy is a basic neural net modeling management tool that provides managers and analysts with entry into the world of neural need application without the need to be a coder. The Predictor and Classifier nets use an excel spreadsheet as input. Most of the time the data is extracted from operational or other systems, cleaned and formatted for a neural net input and then used to train the net. Neural nets can show bias based on the data used to train them. Prediction and classification come from adding hypothetical feature values and observing the result generated based on the training set.

Like business analytics tools, neural net tools require focused workflows to get the most use out of them. KCI provides several workflows for key types of analysis typical of managers today.

Using AI Trilogy
AI Trilogy solutions can be applied from various perspectives, for example, at a high level (understanding the influence of external factors such as social trends on your strategies) or at a more detailed level (comparing a neural net analysis of process performance factors with a statistical approach).

Here are three of the solutions that most organizations seek on a regular basis. Each of these AI Trilogy insights are used to guide the user by providing the neural net steps and features needed by following easy to use workflows.

Monday, 25 November 2019 09:37 Written by

Decision Analytics for Managers and Analysts

A key part of managing an organization is making decisions. Decision involve choosing between options and understanding the impact of changes in the decision factors. Having the most achievable, accurate, and meaningful decision results improves the overall performance of any organization. Decisions are part of processes, performance reporting, incident response and direction interest. Decisions are expansive covering the overall direction of an organization in response to external threats or very detailed providing input to options in a process.

Specific tools, methods and techniques provide the insight and options when choice situations appear. Tools such as spreadsheets can provide some input to a decision, but the best approach is to use tools that provide consideration for influences and alternatives based on likely probabilities that conditions may happen. To evaluate options, specific types of models and analytics provide better insight than looking at tables of numbers. Syncopation Software

The KCI preferred tool for these types of analysis and decision support is the DPL/9 decision and influence modeling product from Syncopation. Like business analytics tools, decision tools require focused workflows to get the most use out of them. KCI provides these workflows for key types of decisions typical of managers today.

DPL/9 is a decision modeling management tool that provides managers with easy to use modeling structures for analyzing decision options. With the Excel input option managers and analysts can prepare the basic model in Excel, add probabilities, data values, influences and decision factors. Multiple sets of data values can be added to view several alternatives or changes in the meaning of the model over time.

Using Decision Tools such as DPL/9
Decision solutions like business analytics can be applied from various perspectives, for example, at a high level (such as market penetration options) or at a more detailed operational level (granting credit or approving a sale).

Here are two of the solution workflows KCI provides for organizations looking to improve decision making. Each of these insights are used to guide the user by applying decision modeling capabilities in easy to use workflows.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:23 Written by


Every organization needs information about threats they face whether they are from competitors, or from the external landscape. The idea of risk assessment has been around for a long time and has well established methods of assessing risk

Risk assessment starts with gathering information on threats that impact the organization. It usually begins with the strategic level and includes all types of threats such as environmental (storms, flood etc.), cyber threats, sabotage, competitive and so on. More advanced methods also use organization, operational, IT and product threat assessments.

What is missing is the capability to link all these together and determine composite horizontal and vertical risk assessments providing a comprehensive risk perspective. Assessments include many factors other than impact and likelihood. These factors include remediation cost, loss, difficulty, importance and other factors that focus the risk analysis on those threats of most significance.

Linking risk assessments together provides a valuable piece of insight for the organization. Using Wizsm hidden relationship analysis, critical risk connections are revealed, and the organization improves the insight into the more fragile parts of the organization that need protection and monitoring.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:19 Written by

Mergers and Acquisitions

How can you increase the probability of M&A success? Keeping in mind that most M&A analysis is based on financial, market, product and legal similarities and differences the real value comes from the capability of comparing the operations. Comparisons of operations are usually glossed over as too expensive so a series of interviews with executives is substituted for a more extensive analysis.

The goal of an M&A analysis depends on the purpose of the M&A. What the organization need you are trying to fulfill:
  • If the goal is complementary, then you are looking at differences to expand your reach
  • If the goal is economics of scale, then you are looking at similarities to reduce costs or keep a competitor out of the market.
Wizsm semantic comparative analytics increase the likelihood of M&A success. It does this by providing a method and workflow for systematically comparing organizations based on semantics such as organization names, system names, databases, locations, strategies, projects, initiatives, culture and so on. In some cases, the analysis might be restricted to only a part of the structure of the organizations involved such as for processes, systems and documents.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:17 Written by

Business Innovation

Organizations constantly look for actions they can take that assure their continued growth and survival.

Without a means to capture, understand, consolidate, test, and implement ideas, an organization faulters. Innovation and digital transformation are driven by a constant flow of ideas that are assessed for risk and impact on the organization. It means these ideas produce new revenue opportunities, optimizing existing channels and, ultimately, generating higher profits within existing products or services or completely new.

Wizsm’s analytics gives management a way to gain insight into the various ideas and their potential impact on the organization’s ability to change. Then, the resulting innovation chosen from those ideas can be examined and evaluated prior to executing the change on its products, services or both.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:00 Written by

SWOT Analysis

Most management decisions are predicated upon knowing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with a problem or situation in which an objective is known. SWOT Analysis is traditionally used in strategic planning activities. Strengths and weaknesses are used to reflect internal factors within the organization while opportunities and threats are external to the organization. But SWOT analysis can be applied in many other decision-making situations.

Wizsm analytic flows provide a quick means to capture relevant SWOT perspectives across participants to assess the risks or rewards. It helps to focus on the actions that need to take place to achieve desired outcome. With Wizsm’s semantic analytics, you can identify possible relationships associated with the descriptions of each item. The evaluation of the hidden relationships from the semantics opens possibilities not considered before. Various matrices associated with these relationships also provide insights that point to the actions that are desired.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 09:59 Written by

Operational Consolidation

When simplifying an organization, the first observation needed is whether things can be consolidated. It can be processes, databases, organizations, locations or other factors of the enterprise.

Wizsm provides semantic comparative analytics that identify which items in two organization, processes etc. are the same, or different. Using this analytic, managers or the analyst can decide by the degree of overlap whether consolidation is difficult or easy. The most common use is consolidating two or more processes to get a corporate standard such as for hiring or payments etc.

Applying combinations of factors for comparisons, managers or analysts can see which of a group of organizations is a best fit and is a good candidate for merger or acquisition. This increases the chances of success in the restructuring of the organization.

Thursday, 21 November 2019 09:54 Written by

Customer/Consumer Behavior

Key analytics available in Wizsm provide the focus you need to identify marketing and selling opportunities:
  1. Understanding what products or services correlate with each other
  2. Identifying what products or services tend to be purchased in pairs
  3. Connecting the first two with observing trends in sales to take advantage of in order to grow your market.
Wizsm provides several analytics that are used by marketing to determine what buyer habits would support improved sales of products or services. Techniques such as those used by Amazon and other organizations focus on products or service that are bought together.

This is the typical scenario of ‘people who bought this book also bought that book’ or ‘people who bought this product also bought that related product’. These insights arm the sales effort with focused opportunities leading to increased sales in the products and services that show the most promise.