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Professional Services

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Professional Services

Tuesday, 10 January 2012 15:55

Effectively Using and Transferring Knowledge

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How to build an Effective Transfer of Knowledge


Knowledge is of little value if it ‘walks out the door’. To be effective it must be transferred from the source to the destination. The source can be consultants, the web, YouTube videos, seminars, conferences and professional education courses. The most difficult is the transfer of knowledge from an expert to someone in an organization. Effective use is made possible by understanding the knowledge process and connecting the result of knowledge filtering to the execution processes of the organization.

Some of the key steps to successful knowledge transfer and use include:

  • Identifying and capturing essential knowledge
  • Sorting out the knowledge into categories for future use
  • Positioning knowledge at the point of use
  • Enabling the transfer through careful mentoring

These steps help to build the solid foundation for knowledge transfer.

Duration: 3 days

Read 11454 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 18:28