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Wednesday, 22 September 2010 22:48

Context Analysis

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All models in the Enterprise Architecture are connected and related to other models in some manner. For example, process models can describe the use of documents, systems, databases, people, policies, procedures, other processes and so on.  All of these other models form the ‘context’ of the process or processes that you are interested in. Context, in this situation, means all the things around the process that connects to (touch) the process in some way.  Context analysis is counting the number of things that a process (or set of processes) touch in the enterprise.  If we count the number of ‘touches’ to different things, we can get sense of the complexity associated with the connections in the business.  A larger number of connections mean the relationship is complicated.  This give us an indication of how difficult it might be to make a successful change to the process.
Read 9868 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 18:28