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Professional Education

Focusing on Knowledge Transfer
Professional Education

Hands-on Business Process Management

Tooling for improvement


Hands on Business Process Management (BPM)The tools used on a Business Process Management BPM might include an analysis tool, a process modeling tool, a workflow tool and even a repository for saving the results. Positioning skills us-ing BPM tools can be a great advantage in doing a BPM project or embarking on a larger BPM effort that requires the use of tools.

Developing skills for BPM is usually done on the first project an enterprise undertakes. Often few or no tools are used or tools designed for other purposes such as graphic tools used for process mapping with no linkage to analysis tools or workflow. This adds risk to the project as the staff must learn anywhere from one tool to a suite of tools plus the methodology framework for the BPM project. The work may be performed by contractors or company staff or even by a tool vendor in some cases. Usually the framework for good process management is an afterthought and the resulting artifacts left in a chaotic state.

This course provides hands on work experience using a case study project designed to highlight the tools in BPM typical of those used today. Related issues such as analysis analytics, process modeling and mapping techniques, process management and project organization are covered as part of the lecture portion of the course. Examples of each artifact used in the course are provided along with a CD that contains trial versions of all products used in the class. This course uses extensive exercises based on a tools suite for BPM. The attendee should have some basic working knowledge of process mapping but no tools experience is needed.

This seminar provides work experience using a case study project designed to highlight the tools in BPM typical of those used today.

Here’s what you can expect to learn in this hands-on course:

  • Different analysis analytics.
  • Some process modeling and mapping techniques.
  • Approaches in process management and project organization.