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Friday, 01 July 2011 19:00

Enabling Process Consulting - I

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Enabling Process Consulting Assignments - Part 1


A large number of organizations use consultants or large internal process teams, to deliver Business Process Definition projects
in order to gain documented benefits from such initiatives.

In reality, while benefits will accrue to the end customer from such initiatives, the very absence of an enabled process to deliver
these assignments will impact the effectiveness of the delivery.

Consulting companies and organizations are increasingly implementing Process Tools, such as QPR's ProcessGuide, to more effectively
deliver on such projects, as well as to enable the end customers to seamlessly continue to reap benefits of these initiatives on an on-going basis.
Here are some of the challenges in delivering Process Consulting Assignments. The traditional Process Consulting Assignment usually consists of the following steps:

    • A consultant facilitator leads the discussion and review with management and staff providing information about current practices.


    • Another consultant takes notes of what is said and what is decided.


    • The consultants return to their offices and convert their notes into documents using separate text and diagramming tools: usually Microsoft Word and Visio.


    • Some days later the draft documents are submitted for review by the meeting attendees, who by this time will have other priorities on their mind.


    • They may wait several days before reviewing the document and when they do they have difficulty recalling what was said.


    • Changes to the draft document are suggested by attendees. Another meeting may be held to resolve disputes between individual views but trying to get the original attendees together is difficult and by the time they have reconvened recollection of their original discussions is poor.


    • Error and compromise introduced through the extended process are repeated in all functional areas of the organization being reviewed.


    • Every time changes are introduced the consultants need to ensure that they correctly modify both the text and the associated diagrams - not only in terms of synchronizing the wording and flow but also ensuring the integrity of the process. For example, if entry of a resource is removed from an order taking process (e.g. selecting the Sales Rep) associated references to the resource should also be removed (such as a subsequent debt collection activity for the Rep.)


    • The delivery of the consulting assignment is usually documents in Microsoft Word or Visio.


    • With the constant pressure to change processes and improve efficiency, a company needs a regular process review program, at least quarterly, rather than waiting till inefficiencies are impacting the bottom line. However, review and maintenance of the Microsft Word and Vision documents makes the process review exercise so problematic that they are undertaken rarely, if ever.

Continue to Page 2  (Enabling Process Consulting Assignments - Part 2)

Read 10357 times Last modified on Friday, 22 August 2014 20:13
Upcoming Dubai Courses

Planned 2024 Dubai Events, dates to be announced when scheduled:

Emerging AI and ML Capabilities, Enabling the Informed Manager and Analyst
Recent advances in AI/ML analytics provide better insight into the information that managers and analysts rely on when making better decisions. The use of machine learning analytics by managers is best enabled when managers and business analysts have access to AI/ML knowledge, methods, techniques, and tools easy to use.

Essential Management Analytics, Four Key Business Analytics for Managers
Recent advances in analytics provide better insight into the information that managers rely on when making better decisions. Management performance is closely tied to the results of the decisions made by managers. Performance is best enabled when managers have access to tools and methods that are easy to use, apply to a problem or issue, and make sense for the tasks a manager executes.

Effective Strategic Alignment, Anticipating Strategy to Execution Impact
Change inside the organization and external to it must be assessed. Effective and productive managers should have the knowledge and skills to apply analytics using a systematic and structured method for alignment.

Effective Business Transformation with AI/ML, Leveraging Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Rapidly changing technology such as the current wave of AI/ML can create chaos in an organization and a tendency to select large projects that fail. The reason is simple, it is not clear where to connect the AI/ML capability to the organization. Identifying points of value in applying these capabilities is essential to successful value achievement.

Look for topical videos and outlines for these courses in Resources on the KCI website and ‘Innovrto.com, Upcoming Training’ for dates.

All courses in the US/Canada are taught in house for increased awareness of topics or training teams in a workshop version.

In House Workshops

Knowledge Consultants, Inc. also offers a suite of In House Workshops courses focusing on business analytics, AI, Machine Learning and related enabling skills. Here is a partial list of workshops we offer.

The Past Events page will give you an idea of some of the topics KCI can customize for your company

For pricing and quotes contact KCI at request@knowledgebiz.com